[Svelte] error during build: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘getLiteralValueAtPath’)

[Svelte] error during build Cannot read properties of null reading getLiteralValueAtPath

> blog-svelte@0.0.1 build
> vite build

vite v5.3.5 building SSR bundle for production…
✓ 86 modules transformed.
x Build failed in 420ms
error during build:

Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘getLiteralValueAtPath’)


이런 에러 내용이 나온다면?

routes/+page.svelte 파일에 있는 코드가 문제였습니다 후우…


[Svelte] error during build Cannot read properties of null reading getLiteralValueAtPath


보이시죠.  얘를



이렇게 바꾸니까 작동 됩니다 ^^ …. 4시간 날린 기록


npm run build만 했다하면 에러나던걸 드디어 해결..

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